Sunday, October 30, 2005

English, a frustrating class?

There was a piece of news occurred weeks ago about a student who stabbed a teacher of English during a class (see All this has made me think about how frustrating it could be the English class and other subjects about espcific knowledge like chemistry and physics, among others.
The question is how much responsability we, the teachers, do have before this frustration. We teach a new language to adolescents who don't manage even their ownmother tongue. We work with abstract ideas like phrasal verbs (verb + preposition) in which the meaning changes from the original verb. Reading comprehension is escential, but we encounter with students who don't have reading techniques, in fact, many of them just don't read books. And so on, I could make a long list of events that became English in a 'difficult' subject to study. Moreover, I must add the external factors, I mean, teachers whos sometimes don't give enough time to go beyond looking for a real understanding of the student. There are others who haven't changed their strategies nor activities or some others who don't forgive the mistakes, giving a low mark without making any feedback.
Summarizing, i know that the most of the high school students don't like English or don't even know how important isto know another language nowadays. I think the today adolescent live the philosophy called 'to get something whithout efforts'. They like comfort and that produces lazy people. Maybe the fault is shared between themselves and their family environment... but, how much responsible are we in that behaviour?

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